Thursday, September 23, 2021

What We've Been Reading

Shane read the first book from the Wings of Fire. We picked it up the day he came back from SC. I read the prologue and first chapter out loud, but Shane took over and read the rest of the book on his own. 

He really liked it. I told him that I'd be happy to buy the 2nd book once he finished the first, but he found it at his school library!

Shane seems to have stalled out on reading Book 2, though. I was hoping he'd keep powering through, so I could dangle Book 3 as motivation to keep reading. 

He's been more apt to flip through a random assortment of other books. I took him by a used book store and despite my offers to buy whatever he wanted he had "trouble finding anything interesting." He wanted some Minecraft books and then I forced him to pick up Artemis Fowl (Not that he's opened it).

Shane's much more likely to flip through a comic. He keeps some Calvin and Hobbes and Far Sides up in his bed to read at night. He likes to use Epic on the computer, as well. He's a big fan of......SMURFS!?!?

I was surprised when Shane started asking me questions about the smurfs and Gargamel. I knew they were a comic series from when I was kid, but since the TV series ended in the 80's I didn't think they were a thing anymore.  

Well, Shane's a big fan! He discovered Peanuts on Epic, too. They apparently have a selection of classic comics and that's Shane's jam. Shane can only view a book a day at home on the free account, but he has multiple accounts due to having a school one and then the one I set up.

I've been trying to read more myself.

I got nostalgic and started grabbing a bunch of books I used to own when we were at the used book store. I put a bunch back, but ended up with enough to keep me busy for a while. I've finished two. 

I picked up an audiobook version of The ABC Murders by Agatha Christie, as well. It turned out to be a radio adaptation and only an hour and a half long. I listened to that to and from work some days. Shane and I listened to most of My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George before the loan ran out. I signed up for a free Audible trial to get Shane a Hank the Cowdog book to listen to on the road to Busch Gardens, as well. We haven't finished it, but I'm thinking about keeping the subscription. I started listening to a History of Comedy podcast by Keegan Michael-Key and there are some other free books included I may start listening to on my commute.

Meanwhile, Carrie's favorite thing to read has been her cellphone. She find books and manga annoying with her injured wrist...and she prefers reviews and articles to books.

She read a bunch of histories about Fire Emblem Three Houses, so it's not like she's anti-fiction! She's far more amenable to e-readers while I'm old fashioned.

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