Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Gross Stuff

In the last post, I asked what the next surprise would be. Most are good, but some have been gross.

It was a mixed pee to find Aria's pee on the packaging for a blanket. Cat pee is terrible, but the packaging was plastic and nothing touched the floor.

It feels like there's an accident about once a month. Usually after Shane has forgotten to or done a terrible job cleaning the litter boxes. 

I hope the drowned rat falls under the "once in a lifetime" frequency.

It's a good example of why you have a routine to check things even if normally nothing goes wrong. Weird things sometimes come!

Carrie made Shane swear not to tell or mention the rat to anyone. Not at school, not to the boarders, not to Grandma and Grandpa....., but I never made that promise! I think it's a good story! Barns develop rodents. I'd say we should have a barn cat, but Carrie's proven that any cat on our property will come inside and four is enough for me, thank you very much! We need to refill our other countermeasures.

We scrubbed out and disinfected all the buckets afterward. 

 Getting the heebie-jeebies can be motivational for cleaning!

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