Monday, September 13, 2021


I was a little bit worried about Carrie's health and energy levels plummeting once I returned to school, but she outdid herself twice already.

The first time was when she revolutionized the dumping grounds. Do you see the hole in the tree line?

For the past 6 months, this area had been our overflow waste dumping ground. It started in March. It was meant to be a temporary measure, but has continued to see use (even after the ticks came out).

I swear I have a before picture somewhere, but I couldn't find it. Then again, maybe you didn't want to see an area covered with decomposing poo and soiled stall shavings amongst the foliage. You wouldn't be able to see the full extent of the waste due to all the tree branches.

I'd complained to Carrie that it's a hassle to use it. I have to simultaneously duck under branches, avoid undergrowth that can hold ticks, and wade through waste to get far enough out for fresh ground to dump on. 

Carrie listened. She took down the lines, mowed, and bushwacked a path. She used the mower to grind everything down, so that it's basically dirty dirt (ha!). She even used the chainsaw to clear downed branches and trunks to made for easy walking. It's the kind of project that takes way longer and far more energy than an observer would expect.

Photos don't do the best job of communicating space (especially amongst nature), but trust me: It was impressive. I was impressed.

Schlepping tons of mess with shavings we can't spread in the yard still isn't my favorite task, but Carrie removed the forest related hassle from the equation.

I do worry that Carrie doesn't always pace herself. When she hits a project, she hits it hard until it's done or she hurts herself (sometimes both). It's the equivalent of starting off a long-distance race at a spring. Carrie doesn't pace herself out over days or even within the same day. It's all or nothing!

The next week, I came home to an empty garage. The door was open inviting me to park at leisure.

That's going to be a huge benefit come freezing temperatures. I didn't have to worry about scraping frost during virtual school, but I would have faced it this year.

Only now the garage is ready for use!

Maybe the fog inspired her. With summer ending, the mornings are starting to get cooler most weeks.

There have been some impressive fog banks. 

It's not every morning and so far Shane hasn't needed to wear a jacket to the bus stop, but Fall is coming.

Any maybe more Carrie surprised will come, too. There's been 4 weeks of classes and 2 out of 4 I've come home to find a major project accomplished. What do you think the next surprise will be?

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