Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Horse Vet Day

School was cancelled due to rain Wednesday!

Only it didn't really rain where we were. There were severe thunderstorms and flooding forecast, but if it hit it was elsewhere.

Plenty of parents will call the schools wimps for closing, but I was thrilled for a day off. Wednesdays are my roughest days (being A days and lunch duty). 

I suspect the transportation shortages weighed heavily into the decision to close. There's a shortage of drivers and many kids have hour+ bus rides. The walking zones to schools were extended and parents were asked to consider driving their students in if they were able to allow families who could not to use the buses. 

Plus, a day out of school was one less day for the County to worry about COVID spreading.

So I found myself at home unexpectedly (and in fantastic spirits!). I used a chunk of the time to catch up on my writing and grading, but that's not all: It was a vet day.

The vet and assistant pulled up in their SUVs chock full of equipment. I'm normally not home for check-ups, so I went out to take some pictures and see if Carrie needed help.

Vet tools aren't dainty. That power drill was for equine dentistry.

We'd pulled all the horses up at breakfast and left them in to be ready for the vet. One, it was easier than collecting them all twice, and two, it gave time for everyone to poop for a fecal exam.

Lane was first in line for a dental checkup. Large animal vets can't be afraid to stick their hands (and arms) in all sorts of places.

Carly actually had her whole hand in the mouth before I took the picture. However, she said "AH!" and pulled it out when one of Lane's back teeth nearly cut her.

Horse teeth get sharp and the sharp bits need to be filed or ground down (or "floated"). Lane was drugged, because no horse will allow much less stand nicely as someone puts a power drill in their mouth!

I had Carrie send me the picture she took of inside Lane's mouth. I planned to put it on the projector in class!

Then Carly got to work.

I went up to the house to check on Shane and get writing while the dental work carried on.

The vet was gone the next time I went out. I took some pictures of Carrie working on Eowyn's front feet.

As stated prior, Eowyn's a brat when it comes to farrier work. Carrie bought herself a set of farrier chaps (for ~75% off!) to help grip and hold tools.

Thankfully, no Carrie's were injured this time. You can see she's still wearing a brace from when she last worked on Eowyn's hind feet.

So not only did I get a day off from school, I got some cool horse pictures and material for a post. What a gift of a day!

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