Thursday, March 4, 2021

A Historical Moment

It was a historic day.

I drove the truck with Carrie's blessing. 

Physical labor was involved. 

I knew I'd get my chance if I was patient. Frequently, Carrie starts off anxious about something, but at some point necessity knocks. We've been up to our ears in poop. I've spread everywhere it can be spread. I've dumped by hand everywhere that's not a trek.

So when a tree fell down near the front of our property it was a blessing in disguise.

Carrie installed gate handles to make the fenceline openable. Then I used the chainsaw to break down the tree and pull it back into the woods.

Which gave us a nice little opening near the front of our property. We own at least 30 feet into the trees around there. It's a nasty schlep through tall grass with a cart, but by truck?

A truck moves 200+ lbs of poop easily.

I spread the poop out in the forest where it should act a fertilizer. We only need to use the new dumping ground until the horses are out to pasture. I expect the whole area to be overgrown come spring and wouldn't want to hike through all the greenery the manure helps fuel the growth of!

It's a nice little trick to have if we ever have an overflow issue again. I wouldn't mind posting online, "Free poop. Take as much as you want to shovel," but I'll leave that up to Carrie!

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