Tuesday, March 2, 2021


I enjoy wordplay. Puns? Yes, please. Banter? Sign me up! Good dialogue in a book or movie can pull me into the story and make me laugh out loud or bounce around a room.

I know I'm not alone in that. In the family, the twins and Matt were always ready with a retort. Megan and Kathleen had the advantage of being a team. Matt had words quicker on his tongue than me and had a creative range that spanned from the prehistoric to modern day. I've always felt I was slower on the draw than them verbally, but that I could hold my own if I had time to write. Outside the family, Bill, Igor, John....one of the reasons I listen to all the Dice Tower Top 10s is the good-natured ribbing and joking reminds me so much of everyone joking around on each other and everything growing up.

Briggs, one of Matt's childhood friends from the neighborhood, reached out recently. Matt started a group text and one night there was some back and forth that just made me smile. It started off slowly enough, but...

I poked a little at Bill to start the shenanigans, but the real fun didn't start until later.

I tried to join the picture train after Bill, but bad barn reception and Matt beat me to it. It made for funny timing based on what I had tried to upload.

For the record, my tone here is in jest. Shane's actually been a lot more help of late.

I giggled as I typed in "I knew your job..." I'd been waiting....HOPING Bill would take the bait.

Group texts aren't as much fun as congregating in a basement or at the Burke Fortune House, but it's what's available when everyone is so far away! We even played a game together later on that night.

I'm getting around to typing this on Sunday 3/7 and Bill, Briggs, and have met up twice online for an hour or so. Marcus was there, too, the first time. Dan's on the text chain, but he doesn't text. He just does WoW. John was sadly silent. I've been worried about him for a while. He takes forever to reply to texts and has lost all humor. I'm hoping to visit him again soon now that I've had my vaccine shots. 

Anyway, it's been fun to text back and forth and be silly with old friends. I get to banter back and forth with Marcel in class, so that helps fill my daily social quota.

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