Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Tough Day

Tuesday was tough. During 2nd block Carrie messaged me. She was upset and hurt. Shane was an awesome son and did his best to comfort her since I wasn't there.

There's a Bible verse that I often ponder: "There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death." Proverbs 14:12.  The verse could be read in the context of someone trying to rationalize a bad decision (We humans can talk themselves into all sorts of wrong things). But it could also be read in the context of making a seemingly good decision in the present, but the decision leads down a path that's doomed in the future. Would you accept a raise and a promotion if you knew that a year later it would cause you to die in an airplane crash travelling for work?

So I sometimes wonder about horses. Since Carrie got back into riding she's bought and sold multiple horses, fallen, gone to the ER, had a mare die, had multiple contractors try to scam us building a barn, went through a ton with Nibs only to end up selling her, then she find out from Nibs' new owner that Nibs has chronic pain from a growth abnormality and she had chips in her bone from an old injury that we never knew about. 

Quite a bit, eh?

However, I believe that God works for the good of those who love Him in all things (Romans 8:28). There no guarantees it will be a smooth ride (and if you read the Bible, it basically says, "Buckle up! There will be bumps!")

Carrie's met a ton of people since starting up again including everyone at the barn. I'm writing this as Carrie rides with Gay. Carrie's been focused on her health lately and getting back into shape. She and Grandma have both put forth goals to get back into the saddle together. We built a barn! Having the barn has been a needed social outlet (and exercise opportunity!) during the pandemic. I wish I could say that the barn's been a great financial gain for us, but that's years away (if ever!).

It's been a longer road than I ever imagined. A much windier, bumpier road than advertised that's nearly driven Carrie over the edge at times. But it affects more than just her. Having the barn helped keep me sane and active during the lockdown. And I got a dog out of it! (Hooray for Loki!). I'm hoping barn chores will be a way to teach Shane how to work and grow into a man, too.

So we're still on the road. Which segues into our driveway got fixed up today. 

I noticed when I got home. I remember the guy coming out and giving us a quote, but I hadn't realized we pulled the trigger.

Hopefully, things will smooth out like the driveway.

UPDATE: Random brag on my wife moment, she sent me a picture a couple days later where she was helping Shane with his homework. She came up with a visual for telling apart factors and multiples that I thought was great!

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