Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Vaccination Day for Carrie

Carrie got an email from the Vaccine Administration Management System (VAMS). She was eligible for a shot!

"What time should I sign up for?" Carrie asked.

"How about 1:10 PM?" I said. "My class ends at 12:45, so you could drop Shane off with me then and drive to the site."

Of course, it wasn't that easy.

My class ended at 12:45, but lunch duty started....and it wouldn't end until 1:15.

I told Carrie to put Shane in the Subaru and I'd be out in a minute. I may not have mentioned the words "lunch duty" (Yeah, I clearly didn't). I needed to wait for Mary or Marcell to come by and cover my room. 

Carrie was anxious and wouldn't leave Shane at first. After about five minutes, she gave up when she realized she wouldn't make her appointment if she waited. She wasn't happy!

I came out a couple minutes later. Shane was in the car playing on the Switch. Carrie had bought him a new game! I lowered the windows an inch and told him not to move. He may or may not have heard me, because he was talking nonstop about his new game!

I ran back to my room for some more lunch duty. Marcel had to let me in the building when my key didn't work (go figure). Shane spent about 12 minutes on his own before I was back out.....and I'm not sure he even realized it. I felt a little silly worrying about leaving him unattended, but maybe that was part guilt from realizing I messed up the timing!

I told Shane to put up the Switch, grab his coat, and hop out. I wanted to go on a walk. We walked up the hill towards the shopping center.

Shane protested bringing his coat, but he put it on before we turned back. I let him go off into the woods to pee since I couldn't take him in the building.

We walked, talked, and saw a bunch of firefighters working out in full gear.

The hope was Carrie would get back before I had hall duty. Normally, I started at 1:20, but my partner, Hannah, and I switched times. Hannah said she could do the whole block if needed, but I wanted to get back by 2:05 so I wouldn't have to cover a whole block the next day (45 minutes is doable, but 90 minutes is rough!). 

The timing was off. I was in and out with my shot in 30 minutes, but Carrie was at a new location. My shot had been in a tent outside the Kmart parking lot. Hers was in the old JC Penny's at Fashion Square Mall! I'm thankful that Hannah was willing to do a whole day switch!

Shane and I played for a little bit in the parking lot before I let him hop back on the Switch.

I tried to get a few candid shots, but you can tell Shane noticed.

Shane's goofy, but he doesn't normally look that goofy.

The stinker.

Carrie got back around 2:10. Shane shuffled from one car to the next with his eyes glued to electronics. I went back in and the day moved on. It added a little chaos to the day, but I'm glad that Carrie was able to get her shot!

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