Saturday, March 20, 2021

Another NC Rendezvous

Sunday, Nana and Pop drove Shane to NC for the trade off. I was running 10 minutes late.

I would've been early, but I had to turn around to pick up the games Shane had borrowed from Cole.

I had been feeling proud of myself. I'd gathered the games, searched his room for the action figures, and put everything in a bag early that morning. I even put the bag in front of the TV to keep it in sight. Then I moved it to where I was sitting when it was almost time to go.

And I still left the house without it.

I left five minutes early feeling on the ball only to realize my mistake five minutes later. Thankfully, I was close enough to the house to backtrack (Ka had sent me reminders....Nana had sent me reminders...there's nothing like an "Uh, Duh!" moment to humble you!).

Nana texted me that she'd found some great homeless people to take Shane in and keep an eye on him until I reached the handoff, but it was just the three of them when I arrived. Shane unloaded the van and threw his gear into the back of the Forester. 

Pop threw Shane in right after it!

It was only a week long visit this time. The hope is Shane will be able to visit sometime during April when Megan's crew is stateside. Her schedule isn't set yet.

Shane talked straight through the first hour home. He was surprised when we crossed the state line! 

Loki was surprised to have his human brother back! The cats came over to check Shane out, too!

I'd also bought a game I wanted to play with Shane, but that's a different post.

Now that Shane's home, what will the week bring? Will he be a big help doing barn chores every day? Or will he drive Carrie nuts while I'm at school? Maybe both? I'm praying for the help!

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