Monday, March 15, 2021

Water Play

Tsuki and Aria are fascinated by water. They will bat at it in their bowl or hover by the sink.

Carrie likes to leave the water dripping for them each morning.

I come by later and stop the drop ("and the fun!"). 

This is not a new development. I've taken a few videos over the past several weeks.

Shane takes Carrie's side when he's home. He'll restart the drip after I shut it off!

The house would flood if I didn't check back every now and then!

The moments that make everyone chortle the most are when the kittens manage to position themselves under the drip.

Their little brains don't always compute what's disrupting the fun! You can almost hear the inner monologue, "WHY AM I WET! WHAT IS GOING ON!?"

And they keep coming back for more...

...and more! I've seen the kittens try to pat the water as it drops into a bowl or glass.

And the kittens have seen me trying to film them in action!

1 comment:

  1. Megan's cat, Hannah, loves to drink from dripping water in their kitchen sink, too! I thought that was funny to watch when they lived in Arlington. Love, Mom
