Saturday, March 13, 2021

Counting on Family

Life's been busy and challenging, but most things are going well. I've kept up with the barn and work. The house hasn't fallen into complete shambles. Everyone eats. I feel blessed!

One of the areas I feel like I've had less energy for is family fun moments. I feel like I spend a lot of myself on working or recovering from working. Carrie's low energy and low interactivity right now as she continues to recover, as well.

Meanwhile, Shane is full of spunk and looking to connect. He hasn't really figured out how to listen and have a two-way conversation, so it frequently looks like him launching into a 5 minute story that could be summed up in a sentence while I try to politely listen as I do something else.

At the beginning of the pandemic, I was more creative with Shane's time at home. Now, I feel like I get everything done, make sure I talk to Shane and Carrie some throughout, and then try to get electronics started so that I can rest. It works and takes care of business, but there are less crazy treadmill antics and "classic" memories being made.

So it's great that I can hand Shane off to Nana and Pop. I know that he'll be surrounded by joy, love, and make tons of memories.  

And there will be cousins! I just don't have any pictures of them from the handoff. I'm not sure Cole would want to tag along for a 6-hour car ride to pick Shane up (But Ka and Stu would probably be happy to send him if he did!).

Shane and I drove down Saturday to meet up at the new CFA we've chosen for our handoff point. We ate and talked for an hour (I was happy to see my parents, too!). 

In this shot, Shane hid behind Pop's chair, but Pop kept poking him! He tried to poke back some, but Pop was too crafty overall. Shane got in a little bit of trouble with Nana for holding his chicken nuggets box upside down and spreading crumbs everywhere while eating.

Shane loaded his own bags when it was time to say goodbye. I could've done it much quicker, but I wanted Shane to use his brain. 

And he did. He grunted about getting the suitcase into the car, but he didn't complain or ask why it was his job. He's slowly becoming more independent and capable. 

I'll miss Shane while he's with Nana and Pop, but I don't regret it. It's what he needs. 

One day, I'm going to miss all of the time I've had at home due to the pandemic, too. I've been super busy with the barn and virtual school, but at least we were all together.

And that time might be now since I'm going to be back in school full time. Shane marched off to Nana and Pop's the first week I'm marching back into the high school 4 days a week.  

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