Thursday, March 11, 2021

Quarantine Hair

By early February it was getting annoying. 

Late February my hair probably hit the longest it's ever been.

Overall. at least. I had bangs that could touch my lip at some point in high school....but my hairline isn't as far forward as it was back then....

Mid-march I can almost collect my hair in a tail. Carrie called it "colonial."

And boy is it annoying. How do girls handle having long hair? Maybe it gets better when it gets past a certain point? It's always falling in my vision. It tickles, too, and has even woke me up at night!

I've come to really appreciate hats.

It started with wearing beanies to keep warm doing winter chores. Once I realized they kept my hair out of my eyes I started wearing them outside of chores. I dug out my Monticello hat for warmer days and Carrie eventually bought some 2 for $20 caps. She hates the brim on the Monticello hat bumping her forehead when we kiss! :)

So why am I keeping my hair long? I liked the idea in high school. I was proud of my red hair and thought longer hair looked good. Sure, it got in my eyes, but that helped me hide and anime characters dealt with it. Sometimes I envisioned myself with long hair or made characters in games with such....but it always got annoying or looked stupid when it got long enough and I'd cut it.

Fast forward to the pandemic. Barbershops were out. I've worn headphones every day for virtual school which hide how dumb my hair looks and keep it out of my eyes.

I figure I'm this far gone, I want to see what it's like to have a pony tail. This is probably the only time in my life I'd be able to go for it. If anyone asks, "So how did you handle the quarantine?" I'll say, "I grew a pony tail!" I just have to keep from being too annoyed and buzzing it all off!

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