Monday, October 18, 2021

More Soccer! (Sat - 10/16)

Shane and the Dukes faced off against Teal again! It was a fun game!

Last time they met, Teal and Yellow had a hard fought match that ended in a tie just before the whistle. There have been multiple games and a new team name since then.

Shane was back in goal and raring to punt! Teal had some good ball handlers (the only name I know is Mia), so Shane saw action on his side of the field.

This 2 minute clip showcases all the glory and the goofiness of Shane playing soccer.

From awesome to oops! And you know the cycle repeated many, many times.

Shane's head is mostly in the game. In this shot, he's too far off one side and leaning against the goal post, but the picture doesn't show you him shifting back and talking the whole time. Shane talks incessantly about the game. He may have a future as an announcer or commentator. Quips like "Don't let them get too close to you while you dribble!" don't help (and make me cringe), but he's usually positive. "Go team!" "Good job!" and "Let's take that goal back!" are all are comments about his team's and the other team's strategies, etc.

Everything seemed to be clicking for Yellow. Here was an awesome drive and score by Ben.

Peter never stood a chance.

Yellow started to dominate and Shane got a little bored at times. However, Teal brought in a new goalie to liven things up. I think Luke was Teal's coach's son. He was supposedly in the right age bracket, but clearly more developed than the other kids. They stuck him in as Teal's goalie to keep the game more even (and he could punt the ball the length of the whole field!).

Shane and I dispensed snacks after our victory.

Some of the Teal kids wandered over and asked to join in. That gave Shane the idea to run off with the box to pass snacks out to anyone and everyone! 

It was a great morning. It had started early with pictures.

I take my own pictures, so I don't see a need to buy any. Still, the league likes you to participate, so we do.

We had to show up an hour early, but that turned into time for Shane to socialize.

He walked off with his friend, Peter. He knew Peter from After-School at Scottsville when he was in 3rd grade. Peter's older and has already gone up to middle school, but Shane may seem him there next year.

The boys hung out and talked for a long while. I hung back a ways to give the kids space to be kids and contented myself with my cell phone and the occasional picture of the team dog (which I didn't realize we even had!).

Some girls on the team came up with baby bunnies while everyone was hanging out before the game!

I let Shane wander off to the field with the other kids while I stayed behind at the gazebo for a bit. However, he ran up to me with a gift for Carrie before he left.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of Shane for sharing the snacks with everyone. He has a great heart!
