Saturday, October 16, 2021

Rubber Banding on the Blog

Life's been full!

Over the past two weeks there have been 10 days of school. Two of those nights were Parent Teacher Conference nights. I got home from work and hopped on Zoom from 4:45 PM to ~7:20 PM! The first night was a Tuesday, so I sat on a bench while Shane was at soccer practice. When Shane finished, we sat in the car while I had a few more conferences until one finished a few minutes early. I used those minutes to drive us home. Then I started the next conference in the garage while Shane went in!

School did let out early on Wednesday, 10/13, for Division PLC Zoom meetings. That was a nice reprieve! I'd planned to drive out to Costco before going home to hop online for a Division Zoom meeting, but Carrie had a dental emergency. She lost a crown. I had to put off Costco until Friday (when traffic was terrible!), and I worked at home while Shane played on the SNES to keep him out of my camera window.

As full as the work week is, there's still time a little time to unwind each night. I just didn't spend that time on the blog. 

Weekends have more free time. Sure, there's soccer, church, and chores, but there's a lot more time in between. Time I spend resting up in between laundry loads! Last weekend, I didn't write. This past Saturday, I did. I sat down and churned out 10 posts. 

I managed to make drafts of other posts, too....including this one! I'm adding this last sentences a full week later since Saturdays seem to be my new catch-up days! 

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