Saturday, October 23, 2021


Bill called to tell me he'd be visiting his parents over the weekend. "Dan's in town, too," he said.

So Shane and I visited Sunday!

I hadn't seen Dan in years. It had been a couple of months since seeing Bill, as well. I wasn't sure if I had the energy for the trip, but I didn't know when a better opportunity would arise so I made the energy.

I'm glad I did. It was a lot of fun!

Shane really enjoyed the Halloween decorations. 

He hopped out of the car ready to rumble. He tried to wrestle Bill for a lawn chair (with the Switch in hand!?).

Dan was the exact same Dan I remember. He walked up in PJ bottoms and flip flops. His hair would've been longer, but Shar made him cut it! They were in town for Greg and Christine's wedding.

And it was so good to have a chance to talk and catch up. I wish I could do it every weekend. Just show up, sit down, and hang out.

Jerry recruited Shane to help him pump up some bike tires.

If Shane had been taller, Jerry was willing to take him on a bike ride down to Lake Royal. Sadly, the bike was too tall for Shane (and Shar!).

We hung outside for a while. When we did go inside, Diane let Shane have some candy and he sat down to zone out on the Switch for a little bit.

That gave me a chance to play Marvel Champions with Bill! 

Bill had wanted to go with me to the library to visit John. However, Ben was napping. Bill wanted to wait for Ben to wake up first, but Ben kept on sleeping!

We'd already gone back outside again before Ben woke up. Jerry gave Shane a frisbee and showed him how to throw it.

Shane adapted faster than I did (I'm used to the heavier weight of frisbee golf discs). Everyone played frisbee until Ben woke up. Then Bill sat down with him while the games continued.

Shane and I left at the same time the Jeffers packed up and headed out for dinner at Dogfish Head. Jill packed up, because she had to drive back to NJ for work in the morning. Bill and Ben stayed behind for one more day before returning home, as well.

Shane and I didn't head straight home, though. We went by John's library.

I'd texted John to see if he was working, but he never specified. So I called the library to check. I heard his voice answer the phone, "Can you hold please?" I said, "Yes," and then hung up, because I knew what I needed to know.

It was a short conversation, sadly. John gave short replies and it was mostly me talking. I let him know about a few things happening in the family, but I sensed it was better not to stay too long.

So Shane and I started the journey home. We stopped at the McDonald's in Madison for dinner and a bathroom break.

It's been forever and a day since I've had McDonald's. I didn't remember it as being so salty! If it isn't convenient, I don't plan on stopping there again. 

We made it home somewhere a little after 8:30 PM if I recall correctly. We left the house at 9 AM for church, so it was a full day! Monday was a school day, but I'm glad we made the trip. It's been hard to keep up with people and there's nothing like spending time in person with people you care about.

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