Monday, October 11, 2021

The Soccer Post (MEGA POST!)

Soccer season started off with a whisper. Shane missed his first practice. He'd complained of a sore throat, so Carrie kept him home from school. No school meant no practice. 

The second practice I didn't know where to sit. I sat near some other parents, but when Shane's coach arrived she took the kids a world away. This was the view zoomed in.

This was the view zoomed out!

I couldn't see or hear anything! I thought about moving closer, but I'm trying not to be too involved. I want Shane to function without me there.

I did move closer the next practice. There were some benches in the trees. The branches were the perfect height to block photographs.

So it's not my favorite practice spot. I like to try to snap pictures innocuously, because if Shane notices, he's likely to try and put on a show!

We arrived barely in time for the first game. Shane got his wish granted to play goalie! To differentiate him from the other players, he kept on his t-shirt instead of the team shirt.

The first game went well. Shane's team looked strong compared to the other. There's one short kid on Shane's team, Gabe, who's on an entirely different level than everyone else. Shane's coach rotated him to defense to keep things competitive. 

Since Shane didn't wear it, he forgot his shirt until the next week! We played the same team twice in a row with similar results. After losing everything last season, Shane's on a winning team this one! The kids play real soccer with passing, keeping space, and some ball handling skills.Gabe's the best, but there are multiple other kids on Shane's team who clearly know what to do and can score (Chloe, Wyatt, Gracie, Liza, Jayden....should I name other people's kids here? Maybe?).

The third game was the first real challenge. There are four teams in the league, so we'll end up playing each team three times.

Gabe on display

Having an offense really helps out the goalie. Shots come Shane's way, but the ball spends over half the game on the other side of the field.

And Shane wants some shots to come his way. His favorite thing has to be punting the ball! He cackles and whoops! A few times, he got so excited he made the mistake of punting from the back of the goal box.

Usually, he holds on to it for a little and laughs as everyone watches and reacts to his next move. Sometimes, he tries to 'trick' the other team by quickly changing directions, but trips up his own team and/or flubs the punt.

Shane does listen and pay attention. The coach has been reminding him to "walk it out." I don't think he's punting from the back post since.

There's room to grow, but I'm thrilled with how Shane's play has improved. He's more tenacious and willing to jump at the ball before and it's paid off.

He's not fearless, though. He's gotten in trouble for trying to slide tackle the ball to avoid too much contact (In all fairness, it wasn't a true slide tackle. It was more Shane trying to lean his whole body back while kicking forward!).

But overall, Shane moves to reposition himself based on where the ball is and makes plays on shots. He'll run up to grab balls that come too far forward, but not recklessly so. When he gets the ball, he's normally able to punt it up to the midline. 

And sometimes his aim is prefect and the ball sails right over Gabe, so that he can collect it on the run and score!

All sorts of exciting things happened in the game. There was even an accidental face punt.

The girl was fine, but Jayden was mortified! 

The game ended in a tie 5-5. I thought it was a great game to watch. Shane was a little salty when he came off the field, because he said a girl on the other team stomped on his leg once in the goal box. The girl's in his class. He said the ref didn't see it, but a teammate did. It didn't faze him long. He was happy with a tie!

And for some reason he became a frog at the next practice.

The stinker looks at everyone (including me) to see who's looking at him and whatever goofy thing he's doing.

I try to make it look like I'm reading my book or in my phone when he's too goofy. I'm all for a little playing around, but Shane keeps at it way too long.

And while Shane is insistent that he only wants to play goalie he has to give it up at times. There have been a couple of halves someone else has been in the goal box. When that happens, Shane refuses to play offense. He only wants to play defense (and "coach" the goalie....).

These shots are from the fourth game. Cameron was in goal and Shane was on defense with a scarf headband.

He had a few good plays on defense before Shane got his wish to play goalie in the 2nd half. He kept the scarf headband, too (Though I don't think the refs have any trouble recognizing him in the goal box at this point!).

Game #5 took place in the rain. 

Every kid should play a game in the rain. They're fun! It teaches character, too! I was so happy there wasn't any lightning, so that Shane could have the experience.

I've had the experience, so I watched from the car. I pulled it right up to the fence line to imitate the other smart people who had the idea before me.

I definitely got out of the car when there was penalty kick. Shane learned the hard way he can't pick up a pass from a teammate. But then he face down the PK with a midair block! 

It was awesome. Shane roared! I wish I'd kept filming, but I was busy laughing and cheering myself!

Shane ran up to Carrie and gave her a wet hug when we got home!

The rain game was the game of the year, in my opinion! It's why I want Shane to play sports!

He was right back to being goofy at practice the following week. 

I used to yell directions and encouragement all the time at Shane's games. I've done my best to fade back as he's gotten older, so that I'm mostly quiet on the sidelines save cheering. Then I try not to sit too close at practice, because I don't want to instinctively yell, "KNOCK IT OFF!" 

In the end, Shane's having a good time! I asked him about winter sports and he said, "How about more soccer?" Sadly, there's no SOKS in Spring, but I may sign him up for SOCA in Charlottesville and put up with the drive instead. I've looked up goalie training and camps for Shane, too, but I think that's more my excitement than his (but if he asks or shows an interest I've already got some research done!).

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