Friday, November 18, 2022

Paper Hats Galore (The Backlog!)

One of the wrestlers, Melvin, has a penchant for making paper boats. He started visiting my room during lunch with Lucy (another wrestler) part way through the year. I commented on the boats and leaving them became a thing.

Melvin's into practicing his signature, too, so I have signed boats in case he's famous one day.

I started hanging them up around the room as a private joke.

I bet there are some kids who aren't even aware they're there!

And I could be hanging much, much more. Melvin pulled a bag full of at least a hundred of them out of his backpack one day! He must find making the boats therapeutic on some level to make so many.

Kids have given me origami before, but Melvin's taken it to a new level. No year in teaching is ever the same!

1 comment:

  1. That is the cutest thing ever! I bet if you shared some in the teacher's lounge, it would left everyone's spirits! I hope you will give some to Shane.
