Friday, November 4, 2022

The EOY Soccer Tournament! (The Backlog!)

Friday was the final practice as the sun set on soccer season. 

Saturday was Tournament Day. There are four teams in our league: Red, Yellow, Teal, and Blue. To face off against each other meant each team would play three 40 minute games (20 mins/half). 

We didn't have any back to back games. Our first game was against Red. We won without difficulty. Probably influenced by Coach O, all the players worked hard to set up Emma to score a goal.

We had a rest break in between games. I thought we had more time and almost took Shane to the library when we were called up for the match of the day.

Teal was undefeated.

Rather than having one standout player, they had four that were in the competition for being Top 5 offensive players in the league.

It was by far the most exciting game of the day. The Yes Sir's! were the only team that had a chance to beat them.

The score seesawed back and forth. This one got by Shane.

Excitement was high on both teams and in the crowd!

There was a lot of close play. Shane caught a corner kick here.


Here, the other team's goalie dived on a ball and prevented a scoring situation. His teammate nearly walked on him and knocked the ball away!

I think it was tied up at half-time (I can't find my notes). 

The fields switched and the suspense only grew. Gabe tried to score on a breakaway here, but Teal's goalie was on it!

It was a good play!

Notice from the gif, how the keeper (Raiden? Brayden?) ran the ball out right away and punted. It was a high-energy game!

The ball ping ponged back and forth across the halves of the field as each team sought to break the tie. 

I'm trying to remember Teal's keeper took a turn on the field or if he just ran the ball up here. Emma was on the chase from the deep corner.

Gabe managed to cut him off, but nothing came of it as more Teal players swarmed to the ball.

The stakes were high when a trip earned Teal a penalty shot on Shane.

Under pressure, the ball sailed wide! It could have been the winning shot.

I think Teal had enough players for substitutes, but we were all in the whole time.

The shorter game length worked in our favor. We might have lost the endurance game over an hour.

It was a whole team effort. We looked way more in synch than at the start of the year (Great job, Coach!).

The winning shot came near the end of regulation. Gabriel was able to sneak one in between Teal's keeper's feet!

The crowd roared! Teal was dethroned!

The Yes Sir's! were on an emotional high, but both teams managed to end the game without any obvious hard feelings.

The final game final game could have just been going through the motions, but Emma finally scored her goal! It was a fantastic way to end the season for the team. I'm so glad Shane participated in SOKs this season instead of trying to drive up for SOCA (It was never a debate for me to begin with, but this reinforced the decision!).

When everything was said and done, Shane and I made that trip to the library.

We picked up some groceries for Carrie to cook with.

We spent the whole morning out! I didn't feel bad about letting Shane lounge around and play on electronics in the afternoon. What a game, what a game!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you have Shane doing soccer and going to the library and even helping grocery shop. My dad wasn't as involved in my life, because that generation expected the mothers to do everything with the kids and the fathers to just make the money.
