Friday, November 25, 2022

Travel Day (The Backlog!)

Shane and I managed one road trip over Thanksgiving Break. We headed up to NoVA for Black Friday to see the Jeffers.

Bill, Jill, Ben, and Maeve were in town.

As were Dan and Shar!

We didn't see Marcus or Ashley this time around, but we still got into some shenanigans. Jerry trimmed the lower branches from the climbing tree out front, so it's much harder to get into than when we were kids.

Dan was the first up. I was the second! Shane wanted to get up, but couldn't.

Dan teased Bill enough that he climbed up, too (albeit while muttering Jill was going to kill him if he fell and needed surgery).

Shar watched the idiocy and held Ben back at first. She's not the bone-setting type of doctor, but I believe she'd call 911 if we'd needed it.

Ben wanted to hop up in the tree, too, but he had less luck than Shane!

The next trick for the adults was to get down safely!

Shane kept running off around the house while Ben tried to find them. They hid together in the shed at one point before Bill and I took the boys inside to play in Marcus' old room.

We managed to avoid electronics for a while, but the begging for them got to us eventually!

Diane and Jerry had a Law and Order marathon on in the background for much of the time we were there.

Diane was happy to hold baby Maeve to give Jill a break whenever she could!

I reached out to Jama and John, but the Jeffers ended up our one and only stop. Shane and I stayed about 3 and a half hours. The drive was around 5 hours so it wasn't 1:1, but I thought it was worth it to get out of the house. I would've gone stir crazy if we hadn't gone somewhere! Dan and Shar live in Las Vegas, so it's rare to see them in person, too. I was too tired to arrange any other road trips, so I pushed it off until Winter Break.

1 comment:

  1. It does my heart good to see pictures of the Jeffers and their house. It all brings back such good memories. Thank you!
