Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving 2022 (The Backlog!)

 It's turned cold. It was 21°F for the low this week. Kila doesn't mind.

Loki doesn't like getting his paws wet. It doesn't matter if it's frost or rain (The wimp...).

Thanksgiving started off like any other day off. We got up and moved slow until we had to take care of all the animals. 

The first sign it would be a special day was when Carrie told Shane to throw some eggs.

And yes, I do mean "throw!"

Shane protested.

"What do you mean, 'No?' Carrie asked. "It's something you'd like!"

Shane didn't believe her, but they went out together and he quickly he changed his mind. Throwing old eggs into the woods and hearing them crack was music to his ears.

Clearing out the fridge was the prelude to Carrie cooking. On the menu: Japanese Purple Sweet Potato Pie! 

There was no food coloring involved! Wegmans had "Purple Japanese Sweet Potatoes." I don't know why they're purple, but Carrie loved how wild they looked.

We took it easy for most of the day. I was happy we got some puzzle time in! 

The animals like it when we're all home. With Pop immunocompromised and Grandma getting hip surgery, we didn't go anywhere this year.

Carrie made turkey curry for dinner at Shane's request.

We watched Disenchanted as we ate.

The reviews were fairly accurate. Enchanted was a marvelous movie. Disenchanted was 'meh' by comparison. Shane kept cringing and getting embarrassed by the emotional drama. He claimed he couldn't take it anymore! We eventually paused the movie. Carrie went back and finished it without Shane and I later. I'd have watched it with her, but I felt no compulsion to finish it on my own so don't ask me how it ends.

There was a lot of electronics, warm blankets, and taking it slow. I was extra thankful for the break from school! It's been going full speed and with wrestling season underway I've been 'go-go-going!'

Breakfast the next day: Pie with ice cream!

It gave me the calories I needed to scoop all of Lilly's poop. She's in 'lock-up' while she heals from foundering, but that will be a different post.

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