Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Planning Things Out! (The Backlog!)

It's New Year's Day as I'm working on November 2022 in the blog. I have today and tomorrow to catch up as much as I can before school starts again. Tomorrow, there are chores and I have to switch my mindset back to teaching and prepare for that, so I don't know how much blogging I'll do.

I've had a good run. I feel accomplished knocking off nearly 11 weeks of Backlog blog posts in roughly a week of work. My well of energy for writing has dwindled, but I did absolutely no writing yesterday (12/31). That should recharge me enough for the final push!

I took this picture a few days ago. I was roughly sketching out plans for posts based on pictures I saw in my phone and events/topics I could remember as significant.

You may notice "Wrestling Starts" plugged in for Nov 2. 

That was wrong! It started the following week. I figured that out as I started uploading pictures, laying out drafts, and cross-checking my calendar and texts. Even the best laid out plans don't survive contact with the enemy (in this case, writing and posting!). 

Better get back to it while my focus and window of opportunity lasts! Shane's currently busy on the phone with Cole, Carrie's at a foxhunting tailgate, and I just let the dogs out for a bathroom break. 

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