Friday, February 1, 2013

Carrie's Job

Marrying me was a great career move for my wife.

She quit her job as a veterinary technician, moved from Richmond, and immediately signed up for a summer program she's passionate about. When the program ended, she walked up to her boss and said, "you need me."

He was impressed, and decided he did.

Carrie's worked for Gaston since. 

The only problem is: Gaston is passed the age he can retire and he gets fed up with a lot of the bureaucratic and institutional tape he has to deal with. When he retires, Carrie's job goes with him.

At one point, it looked like he was going to retire last summer. 

Now, it's looking like this summer.

Carrie's job already took a hit at the start of this year, when the state government took cost cutting measures to avoid Obama-care. She was upset and posted about it on Facebook. 

All hourly employs are not allowed to average more than 29 hours per week. No exceptions.

Last summer, there was one pay period where Carrie worked 119 hours in 2 weeks. My wife frequently gets overtime pay from when Gaston emails her assignments to do at home, or she goes with him on road trips to parks. 

This is a huge crimp in Carrie's pay and style. She wanted to stay with Gaston until he decided he was done, but now my wife is starting to look into other options. Gaston's pissed about the situation, too, and he's been helping my wife with her resume (what a good boss, right?). 

The only upside to Carrie not working this summer would be travel. I want to take Shane and Carrie out to visit my family in Nebraska, and it would be cool to see Mom-Mom in Montana, too (since I've never had a reason to go there before). 

I think that if Carrie does end up staying at home, I'll find the house re-designed or some new project started every week. My wife has that much energy when she gets into work mode. She's a bit of a perfectionist at whatever she decides to do, too. I'd hire her.

Who knows how this will all play out. I figured I'd share in case Shane ever thinks Carrie and I made the whole working for a living thing look easy (yeah, right!).

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