Tuesday, February 19, 2013

IFSP Meeting today

The doctor referring Shane to child find: stressful.

Deciding to contact child find and get an informal assessment: less stressful.

The formal assessment: stressful (especially for Carrie).

Shane's first Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) review today: not stressful at all.

Shane's case manager and therapist came over today at 4 PM for the six-month review of his progress.

I was there, but I was sitting in a car in the garage.

I was on my way home from work at 3:30 PM when I called Carrie. My wife told me "don't come in."

Lately, Shane's been an extreme Mommy's boy. He's also taken an anti-Daddy stance (post to follow). I get lots of "Daddy Bye-Byes!" and if I try to hug Carrie for more than a moment Shane squeezes himself in between us.

Sometimes, he also throws a small fit when I get home from work. The therapist, Georgeanne, wanted to see one when she arrived at 4.

I made a gas detour and my wife put my Bible out in the garage so I could start my Lent reading.

I didn't come in until Carrie texted me an invitation.

No fit.

Shane had a cat toy with a helicopter tied to the end he was slinging around full force. He smiled, showed me his toy, and resumed endangering everyone in reach.

I was relieved. Nothing makes you feel more welcomed home than a temper tantrum and I can't say I was looking forward to his temper tantrum being evaluated by a specialist. Especially because it was about me.

In reality, Shane throws lots of fits when random people show up at our house or we pick him up from Nana Day-Care. I think that: 1) Shane doesn't like transitions and 2) he's really bad at playing favorites. Carrie's in and anyone who could take away Mommy time is the enemy!

When our case manager, Janice, arrived Shane threw one of his fits. He swatted the air and then ran and knocked over some of his toys to show his displeasure (I admit, I felt a little vindicated).

From there, the meeting when in to a full discussion of Shane's progress and his needs. Both women had great things to say. They were extremely helpful and supportive. A social worker was added to answer questions about Shane's behavior and there is a chance we could get free pre-school through the county if Shane qualifies. I would be a little worried about paying more for the extra services, but with Carrie's reduced hours and pending job loss, our income dropped enough that we no longer have a co-pay for any of our services. I'm very glad that we live in the proactive county we do!

The best of all, though, was Shane was happy the whole time Georganne and Janice were here! Mommy was playing with him and he had an audience! He laughed; he giggled. Shane ran circles and from room to room. Would wonders never cease? It was like he knew there were outsiders in the house and wanted Carrie and I to look like A+ parents. I appreciated it.

The only downside was the meeting took close to 2 hours. The ladies were really into word-smithing some of the goals. I was less concerned. They've convinced me through their actions in the past that they have my sons best interests at heart. If I felt otherwise, I would play the "I know a lot about Special Education too" game. Thankfully, that was (and is) not the case.

Janice has Carrie signed up to visit a preschool program through the county Thursday morning. We'll know more then about whether or not we'd want to have Shane receive services through them or stick with the preschool Carrie signed him up for.

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