Monday, February 18, 2013

Easy to Bed

Bed time has been startlingly easy as of late.

I give Shane his sippy cup of milk downstairs, he chugs, I take him upstairs, say prayers, and he goes to bed.

That's it.

It's a far cry from when Shane decided he was done with his crib and from the days of singing to him as he lulled himself down. 

Bedtime used to take anywhere from 5-30 minutes.

The longest part of our routine now is saying our good-night prayer. Shane always gives me the goofiest, ear-to-ear smile when I say "Amen."

Shane's been easy to nap and easy to bed for the past week or two.

Now if only he didn't wake up at 5:40 this morning on a holiday...

(Ha, ha. I'm not really bitter, but it was a good ending line...oh wait, I just wrote this. Crap.)

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