Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Did This Really Happen?

The hospital called yesterday. They've been billing the wrong 'me' for Shane's last ER visit

There is someone else with my exact name and birthday in my county.

The first thought that comes to mind is "Identity Theft," but Carrie asked and our social security number don't match. 


I called the hospital back when I got home. One, I wanted to confirm that there wasn't someone trying to fake being me. Two, I wanted to make sure the number my wife was given matched the hospital's number on the web and three, if there was someone with my name and birthday near by I'd like to contact him. 

I'm curious. My last name is more unique than "Smith" or "Chen," but there are a slew of Mike's in the world.  The odds of matching my first name, last name, and birthday are astronomically low. 

It would be fun to meet the other me and see what we have in common.

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