Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Carrie and I have become gardeners.

The first time my wife pulled a zucchini out of our backyard my first thoughts were "is it safe to eat?"

I mean, the thing just came out of our yard! Our yard! There was no grocery store quality control or plastic wrapping! Besides, I can't tell a good zucchini from a bad one. I leave all the produce selection to my wife.

Turns out it was delicious. My wife made a stuffed zucchini with cheese and meats with the first monster she brought inside. "They don't grow this big in the organic section!" Carrie said.

The second zucchini Carrie brought in became a meal of grilled zucchini for her and a faux apple cobbler I was hesitant about. I took an "I love you, so I'll be brave and try it" bite and ended up eating most of it. I never realized you could substitute zucchini for apples in baking.

The rest of the garden is still growing. I used to weed whenever Shane went out to play, but chiggers suck and I think the weeds need to look out for the vines now. The zucchini, cucumbers, and melons have exploded out of the raised beds!

Early bed with everything growing
The jungle currently there!

Carrie eventually built a third raised bed and transferred the peppers. The strawberries were a wash, but it looks like we're going to be getting plenty of other crops from the vines. I spotted a nice-sized melon or two growing nicely!

In the third bed by the shed, we started growing corn. It started off small, but it's growing larger every day!


This year was a good first attempt. The strawberries and carrots failed, but it looks like we're going to have some fruits and veggies to look forward to! I think it's neat.

We're learning, using our land, and growing food. If it wasn't going to be over 90 all week, I'd probably be out working on the yard instead of writing this!

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