Thursday, July 4, 2013

Stubborn to the Core

Shane jumped on the couch, looked at me and said, "Blanket, Daddy!"

My eyes tracked downward. Shane had stepped on a blanket to vault up moments before.

"Which blanket do you want, Shane?"


That was the blanket he had stepped on. All Shane had to do was roll over and reach off the couch.

"Shane get the blanket."

"No! Daddy, NO!" Shane cried.

If the blanket had been across the room, out of sight, stuck under an end table leg....then I could have understood the need for my assistance.

As it was, Shane was practically on top of the blanket. There was nothing preventing him from picking it up other than he wanted me to do it.

Earlier that day, I read Georgeanne's report from day-care. She wrote "Does Shane whine at home?"

It was not the first time she's asked. Shane has been whiney. I do my best to ignore at, but he hasn't given up.

Back to the couch.

"Blanket, PUH-LEASE!" Some of the fakest crying/whining followed.

"No. Shane get blanket."


The stand off was set.

This was not a battle I had looked for, but here it was.  I figured that Shane would relent after a few minutes. After all, the blanket was right there! I put on my 'teacher face,' and resolved to keep my tone and body language even.

Twenty minutes later, Shane rolled over and picked up the blanket. I put down my coffee (that I had made while Shane protested), told him I loved him, and life went on.

Whew! What a stubborn child!  I wonder which of us Shane gets that from?

It wasn't as bad on me as it sounds, though. Shane refused to leave the couch while he was whining and protesting. I got up, checked my email, made coffee....if anything it was an impromptu break!

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