Monday, July 1, 2013

Farewell to State Parks (Jurassic style!)

Saturday, Carrie, Shane, and I went by Carrie's old office to turn in her work laptop and "pickle." Carrie socialized, while Shane ran around causing havoc. Daddy was on damage control.

Genevieve and I watched and laughed as Shane struggled to push open a door. 

Oh, how the boy tried! He grunted! He shoved! He pushed high and low. He even turned upside down to face the ceiling to see if that would help!

I was able to snap a quick picture in between laughing. 

Shane discovered the door handle seconds later. He didn't quite make the connection. He did like banging on it and making lots of noise! Gaston and Carrie joined in laughing.

Shane hammed it up. He started hitting and pushing harder and harder until the door budged.

He stopped.

Little gears whirred and he started to experiment.

"It's like watching a raptor learn to open a door..." Carrie said.

A second later Shane plowed through into the great outdoors. Daddy was in hot pursuit.

I wonder how old Shane needs to be before I can show him Jurassic Park without giving him nightmares...

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