Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Guitar Fandom

Shane typically says "DADDY! STOP! NO MUSIC! STOP! STOP!" whenever I try to practice guitar.

I think it's a combination of: A) I'm not very good, B) Shane's taste in music is limited, and C) he doesn't like it when I'm paying attention to anything fun that's not him.

I'm not going to get much better unless I practice! I'm still working on switching between chords quick enough to play anything that resembles a song. Mainly, I strum around the chords to Winds of Change, Merri-Mac, Boxer, Hotel California and a few of my own little riffs.

UPDATE: I can play a mean "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," but Shane wants nothing to do with it. Perhaps it's the singing off-key, but if that was going to get fixed it would've happened years ago!

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