Thursday, May 8, 2014

Interviews Continued

Schools can make offers as of today.

Today's Tally:

New Interview requests: 2

New Interviews set-up: 1

Rejection Emails: 1

"Are you still interested?" email: 1

So, no big news over here. The new interview was someone called me after they heard good things about me through someone else I interviewed with.

When I do get an offer, I hope I know if I should take it. I'm not worried that I won't get one...yet. I am checking my email more than I should because I want things done in my time, but I realize that's not necessarily for the best.

A couple other quick work thoughts:

1. If people around my school were shocked I got de-staffed they should be even more shocked about the other guy that was de-staffed. Alberto has been at my school for 14 years and built the ESOL department there. He interviewed and helped choose the other two ESOL teachers who will now go on without him. Wow.

2. My shortest interview: the Inter-Agency schools.

"Can you teach science?"

"Yes." I said.

"Okay, I'm good."

I'm sorely tempted to ask to join them just because of that! Ha! The rest of the interview was more shop talk as I tried to catch back up on what programs were active and which weren't. The Inter-Agency Schools specialize in catching all of the kids who have fallen through cracks and would normally be forgotten.

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