Monday, May 5, 2014

Interviews Follow-Up

I find it ironic that interviews are through teacher appreciation week.

I found it delightful that the PTA provided lunch! The fare far surpassed my normal lean pocket. It kept me full enough until after the interviews.

I feel like my interviews went well. At my last transfer fair, I was a fairly new teacher from a non-traditional school. I felt like I really had to convince someone I was worth a shot.

It's been six years since since. This time I felt like I knew the game and had something to offer. I've learned a lot. Being de-staffed with 8 years of math and science experience makes me something of an oddity, as well.

I won't hear back before Thursday. I may have an interview or two to go, too.

I dropped by the room one Middle School that never got back to me and dropped off my resume. There's was no one in line or interviewing, so I didn't feel bad about interrupting or cutting. I dropped by a few more, but they all had lines of candidates. I didn't feel like it would be appropriate or kind to try to cut in.

On a whim, I did reach out to one set of schools normally overlooked: the alternative ones. I got my start in a small alternative school of 60 expelled students. I worked with the current administrator one summer and she's the wife of my younger brothers' wrestling coach (small world, huh?). I got an email back telling me that the AP would contact me tomorrow (who happened to do a temporary AP job at my current school! More small world syndrome). I don't know if they'll have anything close enough that I feel drawn to, but who knows? Maybe it'll be my time to go "in the trenches" again.

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