Sunday, November 13, 2016

Crazy Work Week for Carrie

Work has been/driven Carrie crazy lately. Her company is trying to get certified organic, and can you guess who's responsible?

If our vacation hadn't been planned months in advance, Carrie would never have agreed to go. She worked all day Saturday and Sunday. Then, she drove down to North Carolina Sunday night, spent the night, worked down there Monday, drove back up, and continued to work.

The inspector comes Tuesday and then Carrie will have to drive back to North Carolina on Wednesday to continue the inspection there.

I'll be glad when Thursday comes. I think she will be, too, regardless of the outcome (but I'm praying for a good one).

Shane and I held down the fort. He raked some leaves with Henry.

We took Carrie out to lunch, and...

finished a school project, too.

Shane was no help with the laundry. Maybe I'll teach him that for his birthday.

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