Monday, November 28, 2016

Nana and Pop's Monthly Drive

Nana and Pop dropped by! They were headed north to rendezvous with Jama. She and Nana are flying to visit Beth (Never mind that one is recovering from pneumonia and the other has a bum knee!). 

It was a pleasant surprise for Shane. They brought an early birthday gift!

It was perfect timing, too. Shane earned his first "Pink Dot" from school! That means he was a role model in his class! He got to play Legos with Pop, watch Simon's Cat cartoons with Nana and Carrie, and then stay up a little later playing video games.

I wish the Simon's Cat cartoons had started a little later. Flashing lights prohibit Shane from focusing on anything else. Even something as cool as Legos.


No flash:

I was tempted to sit there and build it all for him. I love that sort of thing! It's not all about me, though.

UPDATE - We ordered out for dinner and I had leftovers for breakfast and dinner Tuesday. Waste not, want not! I polished off the rest for breakfast Wednesday. Thanks, Nana and Pop!

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