Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Fever Negative - Strep Positive

Shane didn't act that sick. I thought long and hard about sending his butt to school. 

The doctor didn't think he acted all that sick either. She almost reconsidered the strep test.

But she didn't. It was positive. 

Since our appointment wasn't until 11:00 AM, Shane gets to miss TWO days of school. He's really torn up about it.

He had a ball at the CVS. He was in earshot, but out of sight while I was in line.

I made him clean up before we left.

I'm sure it's never been more organized. Shane did a good job of entertaining himself throughout the day.

I guess I'll tackle laundry and go by city hall for errands tomorrow. If I'm not at work I may as well get things done.

1 comment:

  1. What a surprise! We are so glad you took him to the doctors. The cough didn't sound like much to us on the skype call yesterday, but then to learn that he has strep! That's cool how Shane makes the most of wherever he is and has fun. What a great kid!
    Thanks for letting us know. You're smart and strong to get errands and chores done while off work with a sick kid. We love you 3!
