Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Vacation Bible School Year 2

Shane's at the same Vacation Bible School as last year. It's a neat program.

He's happy. It fills the first four hours of our days with travel time and obligatory playground time after I pick him up.

This year, I'm volunteering. I checked off the box last year, but they never called. There was no escape this time.

Which is fine, because I've enjoyed it. It's a whole new world from the type of teaching I do day in and out. I even got to jump around at Jump (The obstacle course is way easier when you're a grown adult).

I've got to teach a 15 minute Bible lesson Friday. You'd think that'd be easy for a guy who's used to teaching hour and a half classes or running wrestling practices for a couple of hours, but the Bible is a different ball game. There's more on the line than a grade. I spent a lot more than 15 minutes preparing for that quarter of an hour.

God put me there, so He'll guide me through. If we're still in the area when Shane's old enough, I may have him join the youth program here.

1 comment:

  1. Your witness is so strong in this post! Thank you for sharing this. We are so proud of you for volunteering at VBS. I bet the Bible lesson you gave on Friday night helped the kids on their faith walk. Well done!

    Love you so much,
