Thursday, May 24, 2018

Crossing the Threshold

I decided to explore the bamboo behind the house.

Shane eagerly followed.

I haven't explored before because of ticks, Shane, and Carrie worrying about Shane. Shane's older now, and the bamboo guy mentioned how pretty it was.

Plus, Carrie wasn't home to worry.

It's a different world back there. the pictures don't capture the scope of everything tall and enveloping you.

I was surprised that most of the bamboo was dead. Their wasn't any undergrowth. The forest floor was coated in dead bamboo leaves and shoots. I was a little worried that it made a perfect home for a snake to hide under, but we had no problems. 

Mainly, I walked into spider webs while Shane cavorted underneath them.

We're a lot closer to a lot of our neighbor's houses than you would realize. The bamboo effectively creates a barrier. With the dead bamboo and the harvesting, it's easier this year to see through the shoots and spot old frame on the hill behind us.

It was fun, but I was done. Shane didn't want to stop exploring. I trust him not to find the one sharp bamboo stalk and impale himself, but he's got an impulsive habit of trying to reach his arm into holes in the ground.

He wasn't happy when I ordered him out. I offered to let him break bamboo down the street to take the sting out of it.

It's a public service.

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