Saturday, May 19, 2018

Rainy Day

Saturday morning cartoons were a thing when I was a kid. 

For Shane, Saturday morning means, "entertain yourself time."

He dumped out and read every card in 5-Minute Dungeon. And that's okay (as long as he picks it up later.

He built a trap at the top of the stairs for me. It evolved into a wall after I jumped over it.

Drawing, building, Legos, toys, reading, imagination....these are all the things I want Shane to know how to do to keep himself entertained. He won't let me sleep in ever, so the least he can do is know how to play independently.

Not that it's always independent. Carrie and I are normally pretty burned out after a week, but that doesn't mean we don't hop in at times!

We had plenty of time this Saturday. The last soccer game was cancelled due to days of rain flooding the field.

I'm not a fan of sitting around the house all day, though. I do like to do activities with Shane. We drove out to Staunton to see Patrick's new apartment.

I bet Patrick Shane would spend 3 minutes exploring and looking for the cat before he asked, "Can we play Minecraft?"

I lost the letter of the bet, but not the spirit. Shane didn't ask about Minecraft. He asked about the game Patrick had been playing. 

It was appropriate, so Shane hopped on. Patrick and I talked while Shane was enthralled.

Hours later, we left to meet Sam and Toby for a play date on the downtown mall.

Paul was starving, so we ducked into a coffee shop. He's a professor and today was graduation at UVA (They must not feed their staff).

We all dropped by the discovery museum afterward. Our family's membership had expired, but it was an hour from closing so they let us in gratis.

It's been a while! They renovated on us. The kids ran wild while Paul and I talked and watched.

There's an iPad near the entrance. It ensnares kids before they can run out the door without their parents.

Shane and Sam hopped on Pokemon Go as we walked back to the cars.

Toby desperately wanted to ride the elevator, but it was to the wrong parking garage.

We made it home after five for dinner and a night in with Carrie. Electronics were played. I'm not opposed to them as much as I'm opposed to using them as a crutch for really living!

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