Saturday, May 5, 2018

Nana and Pop Watch Soccer

With storms forecast all weekend, Shane's soccer game looked doubtful. Thankfully, the storms were all bluster and no thunder! I took Shane to TKD at 10 AM and then to soccer at 12 PM. 

This game was special: Nana and Pop were coming. From the top of the hill, I saw their car driving up and gave them directions over the phone.

They parked next to us and hiked up the hill.

Play was already underway. Shane nearly ran off the field.

Nana demanded furniture. I explained the benefits of exercise.

She got her chair. I got the exercise walking to my car to get it.

It was a good, used buy.

Shane's game went as many of them do. He was a space cadet and funny to watch, but he did okay. Nana and Pop got to see him get a goal, too!

It was nice to have company to talk to and cheer with during the game. Some of the other parents seem to alternate who comes, or they have other kids they're chasing the whole game.

There were plenty of things to laugh and talk about.

I cropped this for some poses.

Sports are great for kids.

The kids all dog-piled on Coach Brian at the end.

Coach Jeanluc took a picture and laughed.

A lot of the kids played after the game. Shane was all about Nana and Pop.

We collected Carrie for lunch and then drove down to the barn together.

I helped bring in the ponies while Pop watched Shane harass the ducks.

Aside from the property taxes and needing more jumps, this property is the epitome of Carrie's dream land.

The adults all talked and enjoyed the animals.

Shane got restless and went to explore.

He was on his own until he started throwing rocks into the pond. Pop had told him not to earlier, so I laid down the law. Shane was wise and didn't object or whine, so he was free to go again momentarily.

So long as he avoided going in where two guys were working on a semi. There's some heavy equipment laying around the owners use for their family business.

When the food ran out, it was time for the ponies to return to the herd.

Carrie loves how she can call Nibs over and she'll come.

Carrie ran up the hill with Nibs, so she wouldn't have to return to the herd alone!

Nana and Pop had to drive on after our group barn visit. Shane mourned as usual, but shook it off. We were able to rest for the remainder of the day, because we had plenty of  fun and adventure through the afternoon.

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