Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Funeral Mass

Tuesday was the day of the funeral mass. Little Matthew was to be buried according to the Catholic tradition.

We got ready and then headed out. Can you guess where we headed for breakfast?

If you said, "Subway," you'd be right!

We arrived in time for the funeral, but not with enough time for Shane to play.

Shane did an excellent job. He's at the age where he's young and wants to play and party with all the younger cousins, but he's old enough that the expectations have changed.

Even with the other kids crawling and playing around he was able to mostly keep his focus on what was going on. Was he perfect? No. Did he do an amazing job for him? Yes. Catholic masses are not hyperactive kid friendly.

The occasion became real for me last night and I confronted my emotions then, so today was mostly just a ceremony.


Again, I only took a few pictures in the beginning. I wanted to pay respects and be in the moment rather than stand apart and record.

I got a picture of Stu taking a picture after the convoy rolled out to the cemetery. I'll grab the actual picture of all the kids from Facebook eventually.

Carrie, Shane, and I left after the group picture. We had a long drive ahead. Carrie and I were only running on a few hours of sleep and it was a normal work day tomorrow.

I hadn't thought we'd make the trip to the Carolinas this winter break. I'm sad about the occasion, but happy I got the chance to take off work, drive, and show my support for the family. May Little Matthew rest in peace in the arms of God and know he has people who miss him on this side of eternity.

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