Saturday, January 26, 2019

Out All Saturday!

I gave Shane a choice: Wrestling with me or TKD with Mom.

He chose wrestling. 

It was more of a "What's going on right now?" and "Will there be kids there?" pick than "I really want to watch wrestling!"

We left the house a little after 9 AM and, yes, there were kids there! Ryan and Sarah were around to watch their brother wrestle.

Covenant is an easy drive. I like all the people and I like wrestling, so I was happy to go! I haven't made it out to many (if any) high school meets this year and that needed to be rectified.

The other coaches really enjoy college wrestling, but my joy in wrestling if from watching kids I know grow. Three years ago, the high school team's record was 1 win - 25 losses. Then it was 5-25 and this year they're something like 11-13. Most of the kids are young, so hopefully next year they will stick around and improve further.

Shane's Pokemon cards kept the kids busy and allowed me to watch, talk, and coach.

Being a coach has it's perks. Chris and I took our kids up to the hospitality room for snacks in between rounds. We went up for lunch later and I knew (or at least recognized) half the people in the room.

The kids didn't stay contained the whole time. Shane and Ryan were climbing magnolia trees outside at one point and then tackling wrestlers at others. Shane was lying on the ground and grabbing at ankles of kids from other teams until I spotted him attached to a confused kid I didn't know!

I liked it better when he stuck to tackling kids I did know.

Wrestlers are pretty good about taking a beating without complaint. Shane vaulted onto Nima from a couple steps up at one point.

He dropped down on Pyi....

....and Drew, too. The kid revels in seizing attention...literally.

Ryan got into some of the same shenanigans. Sarah was calmer, but she tried to tackle some kids, too.

We stayed through most of the finals. Then I had to sprint Shane away at 2 PM. We drove home, grabbed his basketball jersey, and raced off to his basketball game.

We barely made it on time. I wouldn't have minded if we'd missed picture day since I wasn't going to buy any.

They had been packing up when we arrived and stopped to take Shane's pics. I guess it gives him the full experience, but I felt bad.

Shane's favorite part of the game may be when names are announced. He was dancing all over.

Joaquin was on the other team. He'd been on Shane's team last year and they two of them were paired up!

It was a high-energy, dance-handshake. 

Shane's all about moving around, but the focus isn't so much on the game.

Dancing Shane:

The coach's younger kid has an electronic device and it-calls-to-me Shane:

I provided snacks this week. Sunny D's and fig bars. Mission accomplished.

But wait, there's more. We signed Shane up for Ninja Night at TKD! I dropped him off after the basketball game.

I picked him up a little before 9 PM. He stayed out of the house nearly all day!

And he wasn't ready to go home when I picked him up either!

The dojang posted this picture of all the kids online.

Shane would like it if every day was like this one. We can't always be that active, though.

Or, at least, I can't always be that active. It was a great day, but I was worn out!

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