Sunday, January 6, 2019

Pre-Funeral: Lots and Lots of Family Time

Sunday is church day. The first wave hit the early service. Carrie and I went to an adult Sunday school class in an attempt to avoid the noise, worship, and be home in time for Aunt Beth and Claire's arrival. 

It turned out it was an 'off' Sunday for the class.


Going to church was still a community building exercise. We got to meet someone that Nana and Pop babysit for, at least. Shane's played with his daughter before (and maybe will again!). Who knows? Maybe we'll visit the class again next time.

We all met up at Nana and Pop's after service for Arby's. 

Shane has been fantastic with the cousins.

Saturday morning, it was just him and Aiden. Shane entertained the baby and "never once asked for electronics."

Shane would move to South Carolina without me if he could.

Pop picked Aunt Beth and Claire up from the airport.

They hung out and talked for a while before they left to meet with Kevin and Cindy for dinner in Gaffney. Kevin and Cindy took Beth and Claire home to stay with them before the visitation tomorrow.

Carrie had a work emergency and retreated to the hotel while we were talking. I found myself at Kathleen's house with the kids!

Tenley and Evelyn mostly played on their own and with Kathleen (They actually sat and colored!? What is this!?).

The boys were two peas in a pod.

I walked back and forth between the groups, but hung back and let the kids be kids. Evelyn was learning to drive.

Not well. She'll do better when she learns to let off the gas after she hits something.

Here's a picture from later on to show what some of our afternoon was like.

The boys had the tablet. Shane convinced Cole to buy Minecraft with a gift card he had.

The girls clung to Ka. They had some trouble sharing (both books and Ka!).

Stu disappeared for an errand, but came back later on. I think we spent about three hours at their house? I'm a little foggy on the time.

Apparently, that's a record for Cole. Normally, he doesn't hang around with friends past three hours. People are crabby by that time.

Not so with Shane. Their time is limited and Shane's so happy to see everyone things went well! I got a blurred picture of Kathleen trying to play Ghosts in the Graveyard with the boys.

Shane and Cole retreated to tablet land while the girls were put to bed and we waited for Carrie to come pick us up.

Carrie and I brought Shane back to Nana and Pop's about the same time they were getting back from Gaffney. The three days of fun took the sting out of the drive time, but tomorrow is when we'll get to our real purpose for making the trip.

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