Thursday, January 24, 2019

Wrestling Season Update

This, this whole season has had an odd feel to it. Grandma Lois passed away on Tuesday and Aunt Ellen passed away Thursday and wrestling was still on. I've been more checked out this season, but the show moves on.

My goofy middle schoolers spend the time before practice poking at each other and trying to stand on top of the throw mats.

Shane went back to his wrestling practice Thursday night. I pick him up after my practice and take him directly to UVA.

He's not the only kid who has trouble listening, but he's one of the most animated of the distracted.

It's still both funny and annoying simultaneously.

Shane's having fun. He was excited today, because we were supposed to give Ryan a ride home.

"Can we go into his house?" Shane asked. "Please?"

I told Shane we can't invite ourselves in and the reason we were driving Ryan home was his dad had to go somewhere else and wouldn't be there.

Shane held onto hope despite my answer and walked up to Ryan's dad at the start of practice to ask, "Can we go in your house when we drop Ryan off?"

The answer was no, but the kids had a fun time talking on the drive home. Ryan dropped an awkward comment right as we parked (of course) that I had to redirect and try not to laugh about as we said goodbye.

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