Monday, January 21, 2019

Shane Winter Sports

We have not done as good a job of being consistent with sports as I would have liked. We've missed a lot.

At this point, there have been five basketball practices and we've made one. Carrie got him to the first one, but forgot about another. Then we missed when Carrie wanted to rest after driving back from the funeral. The next week? Shane had the flu.

This week it was all on me. Shane was off school and needed some sort of activity. I looked at the clock around 6 PM and said, "Wait.....wasn't basketball at 5 PM?" Those brain fart moments are always humbling.

Especially, when it happens two days in a row with wrestling! (Writing from the future with 20/20 hindsight!).

We've been a little more consistent with wrestling. There are two chances to go each week, but the flu, travel, and 'oops' moments we've missed some of those, as well. I wasn't planning on having Shane compete much, but I figured he should get at least one match in.

That hasn't happened.

Now that we're healthy, I hope to get things back on track.

On a related note, I asked about Spring sports. I asked Shane wanted to do. Soccer made the cut and baseball was a 'no.'

If it was my choice, I'd have picked baseball over soccer. I'd love to play catch!

However, Shane's got to have some say at some point. We're going to skip baseball this year and I'm going to try and be a good a sport about it.

That does leave some more time each week. Shane would love to do swim lessons, but maybe I'll sign Shane up for lacrosse instead....

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