Saturday, February 23, 2019


Two games to go. Shane's actually starting to look more like a basketball player.

He wants to get the ball and dribble it around!

Shooting and passing are not his forte, but he grins, laughs, and makes a big show of it when he gets to run around dribbling, at least!

He didn't wear socks and lost his shoes a few times, but nobody's perfect! Shane complained to the ref that the kid he was guarding elbowed him in the gut. I don't remember seeing it, but Shane likes to half-smother kids when he's on defence and nearly hugs them.

The refs started to get annoyed this game when kids were leaving who they were guarding. Shane's basketball IQ has improved some and he likes to turn around and throw his body in the way of whoever's got the ball. Other kids with a clue like to crowd the hoop for rebounds and it's technically smarter playing, but against the rules for their age group.

It was a great game and came down to the wire again. Shane celebrated by making lots of fart noises and encouraging the rest of the team to join in.


Shane couldn't find his TKD uniform anywhere in the house. "I put it in the dresser!" Shane exclaimed.

The dresser which we'd moved to the storage unit.

I made the executive decision to rush Shane over to look for it only it wasn't there!

Instead, I thought backward and remembered Shane had gone to daycamp on Monday. We searched the car and found his uniform (which he was supposed to bring inside) in a grocery bag under some other junk.

I made Shane change clothes in the storage unit. He said it was cold, but we made it to class!

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