Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Driven Around

I've got a lovely chauffeur for the week. AAA came out and upgraded the car from 'dead battery' to 'electrical issues.' They towed the Volvo over to the shop who said they'd look at it 'as soon as they can.' 

Without a car, I'm out of wrestling practice for the week. I'm half sad and half glad. I've been ready for a break!

Carrie picked me up from work and we hit up Costco. Then we grabbed Shane and took him to basketball.

There were only four kids in the gym, at first. Shane does much better in small groups, because he gets a lot of attention!

"We've got to get rid of those pants," Carrie said. They were more than a little high-water.

Shane's Pokemon friend, Samuel, said hi after practice. He's a year older and his team practices on the other half of the court! Samuel was excited about the new tag-team Pokemon, but we haven't collected any new cards recently. I told them we might make it to Pokemon night next week. It's the same night as wrestling, but Shane (and I) may need a break.

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