Thursday, February 7, 2019

Getting Ready to Sell

Carrie sent me some pics, so I know she's finally feeling better (or at least, 'better-ish!'). She attacked Shane's room.

We're planning on putting the house up for sale in the spring, so there are things to be done.

I dislike moving. I like trips, vacations, and exploring new areas, but moving? It would be less painful if we were like a military family and had more experience and a system for doing it. We don't. There will be lots of packing, donating, trashing, and cleaning in the ensuing months. Carrie will want to fix all sorts of things and we will have to hash out what is worth fixing and what will be a diminished return.

On the plus side, the move has finally got Carrie moving on the bug! It's been sitting in the driveway forever and a day. I haven't overly cared, because it's her car and the property tax is minimal. It would have been nice to have a third working car, but alas. Carrie put the car up for sale and has already got some calls.

Unfortunately, it's not jumping. 

We'll see what sort of offers we get. It's a 2001, so it's not exactly new.

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