Saturday, February 2, 2019

This Week in Shane Sports

Monday was wrestling.

Tuesday was basketball.

Shane's back is turned and he's frequently not paying attention to instruction in both settings. 

I solved a slide puzzle Shane was mad at while he practiced.

I'm still not sure if I should watch Shane the whole time or feign like I'm not. It feels like he makes eye contact with me all the time when he's out there (Especially if a coach corrects him). Really, I want him to focus on practice, not me.....but is the attention encouraging?

I had to laugh Tuesday. I heard Shane announce, "Don't ever ever tell you're parents you're bored! They'll give you chores to do!"

Another boy announced, "Yeah! My mom makes me do laundry," and I laughed even harder (I agree, ma'am!).

There was some free time for kids to play afterwards before the next practice started. Shane did his own thing for a little. Eventually, I joined him and tried to let him practice stealing the ball from me (He prefers defense in sports. I think Shane feels offense is loaded with too much pressure.).

Thursday, we missed practice, because Carrie wanted us to get strep tested. She had gone back to the doctor herself. The antibiotics weren't working and she had the worst looking case of strep I've seen. The doctor called it, "high aggressive and contagious," as he prescribed penicillin.  

That meant Shane and I got swabbed to allay her fears and make sure we weren't the next to be infected.

Shane did a better job with being swabbed. He wasn't (much of) a chicken for the strep test. He was unhappy with the flu test and kept saying, "He was too nervous and needed time to calm down" before the nurse could test him, but that didn't stop us. It was better than the meltdown last time, and he recovered immediately, at least.

Saturday, we would have gone to TKD, but Shane had a morning game. It was my week to bring snacks.

Shane doesn't really get the finer points of sports tactics or strategy, but at least he gets out there.

My snacks were a hit: Sunny D and fig bars!

I would have liked to have gone to Orange to watch the high school's district match, but the timing was off. It sounds like the team had too many bagels for breakfast and looked like they were asleep on the mat, so maybe that was a good thing.

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