Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Moving and Bronchitis Suck

Carrie's finally feeling better and in move mode. She's a phenom.

Which is great, because I can't shake this cough and packing up depresses me. 

I enjoy travelling and moving in somewhere new. That's exciting! The never-ending to do list of selling preparation and pulling up roots is the opposite.

The lack of sleep from the congestion and coughing up phlegm don't help, either. I joke about my allergies being like a common cold, but after this I'll be happy to only have allergies again! 

There's no fever, so I go in to work each day. I hope that my showing up teaches the kids a lesson about how to keep a job, but I'd settle for them getting their learn on.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your bronchitis is gone by now. That always takes awhile to go away. Mucinex or other expectorants help some. And sleeping in a recliner also helps, along with drinking lots of liquids, which I'm sure you already know. We love you! I agree with you about moving being sooooo much work. God will help you through it all. Hang in there.
