Sunday, February 17, 2019

Roller Skating (+Bonus Surprise Visit)

Shane and I met Ryan and Sarah for roller skating at Carver Rec Center today. It was a lot more popular than I expected. We had to wait in line over 40 minutes to get inside! Shane and Ryan wrestled and entertained themselves for the most part.

Shane does not know how to roller skate.

Typical me, I was trying to break it down in steps and explain concepts, but all Shane wanted to do was get right at it. He's a pretty crappy listener at times if I'm going to be honest about it.

When Shane wasn't instantly good (and after he fell on his butt multiple times), he was ready to give up. "Skating is not for me!" "I wasn't made for this" "I don't like skating anymore." "Can we go to Ryan's house?"

I made him keep at it for a while and then told him to sit down, rest, and let his butt heal some while I skated. We waited in line for 40 minutes, and it's good to teach kids the world doesn't revolve around them. I was going to skate no matter what!

Shane popped up and tried to skate on his own almost immediately after I skated off each time. I think it was more from impatience and being left out than grit, but I made sure to praise his effort and progress whenever he got up.

He made a lot of gains for his first time ever. I told him he'd gone from level 0 to level 1. "You're doing way better than everyone who hasn't tried and everyone who gave up after falling once!"

I'll need to make him go again to keep improving. I'm not sure how he'll react to that, but I guess I'll find out.

Shane tried to invite himself to Ryan's house afterward. Ryan invited him afterward. I was invited too, but Shane really, really, really wanted to go without me.

I felt bad dumping my kid on someone, but I let him ride home with Ryan, Sarah, and their dad. Truth be told, it made me a little anxious. I'm not used to letting Shane drive off with other people, but it's gonna happen.

It was only for a short time. Ryan's family had to go somewhere, so I picked Shane up around 50 minutes later.

They played Fortnite the whole time.

Not my first choice, but when it's social and at another kid's house I don't mind. It's a popular game with my students, as well.

Bonus visit: Genevieve and Chris stopped by! They were on their way back from visiting some friends in Roanoke. Chris scratched at the door instead of knocking and gave Carrie the heebie-jeebies! I was upstairs having a talk with Shane. The laughter clued me in we had visitors. There's a short list of people I knew Carrie would invite inside, so I was merely surprised instead of shocked to see them!

Shane wanted them to spend the night, but they had to keep on driving. Adults have to work to pay bills!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so jealous that you got to go roller skating. I love roller skating! But Pop doesn't so we find plenty of things to do that we both enjoy. I hope Shane will get good at it.
