Saturday, February 16, 2019

Best Basketball Game Yet!

Today was the most fun basketball game I've watched in years. The score going into the final 6 minutes was 22-22 and Shane was up.

It was so exciting I forgot to take pictures. That's saying something when it comes to 2nd grade basketball!

The final score was 24-24. Shane is showing a much greater understanding of the game. He hasn't scored, but he took 5 shots. One even hit the backboard and another the net! Before, he would stand still and have the ball ripped away, double-dribble, or run away without dribbling at all.

Defensively, Shane is being more aggressive. He's stolen the ball (albeit mostly on accident). He doesn't look up for rebounds and doesn't watch usually watch the ball (instead he faces the guy he's covering the whole time). However, this game Shane seemed to understand he could throw picks and use his body to get in the way of whoever had the ball. He'd sometimes run up and immediately turn backwards in their way. Why? Because he was thinking. Upward requires you to guard someone with the same wristband as you. Shane figured by turning backwards and 'butting in' he wouldn't be called on it.

I made sure to praise Shane for his effort and using his head after the game! I like how Upward uses the wrist bands, but sometimes there's one player on the other team who's nearly unstoppable with a one-on-one. If Shane had tried to steal the ball, they would have called him on it and that's okay. The fact that he recognized who on the other team was talented (or at least had the ball) and took measures within the rules to hinder him? Fantastic.

I got one picture at the end of the kids snacking. 

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